clean temp files / cache files of open litespeed server directadmin
cron job to remove temp files remove without module (not tested by me)
cron job to remove temp files remove without module (not tested by me)
mv -v * /home/sourcedirectory/* /home/destinationdirectory move single file
in above command -p123456 is the custom port number and root@ is the server ip remote server ip means the server from where you want to copy files to local …
Check folder disk usage below is the path of the folder check full server disk usage by partition list all folders with size
use this command to clean cyberpanel openlitespeed logs
To start open lite speed to stop open litepeed
Morning cycling moradabad kashipur bypass
Compress an entire directory by running uncompress and tar file
cron job to remove temp files remove without module (not tested by me)